At its regular meeting on September 11, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Linda County Water District (“District”) adopted Ordinance No. 148, which changes the District’s existing at-large system of electing persons serving as Directors on the Board of Directors to a system under which one Director will be elected from each of five divisions only by voters residing in each division. The change will take effect with 2024 General District Election. Ordinance No. 148 also approves the official map showing the boundaries of the five voting divisions and establishes a sequence of elections under which voters will elect one Director each from Divisions 2 and 3 in 2024 and then every four years thereafter, and one Director each from Divisions 1, 4, and 5 in 2026 and then every four years thereafter. This change in voting system also will require the Board of Directors to consider adjusting voting division boundaries after each decennial Federal Census beginning with the 2030 Census.
Ordinance No. 148 was enacted unanimously with Directors McAleer, Saunders, Stevens, and Whittaker voting in favor, Director Knudson was absent. A copy of the entire ordinance is available for review at the District office located at 1280 Scales Avenue, Marysville, California 95901, or by clicking A copy may be obtained by contacting District Secretary Melinda Thornsberry at 530-743-2043.
Publication of Proposed Final Map for Approval at Public Hearingto be held on September 11th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at District Office
The final Districting Public Hearing will be held on September 11, 2023. The Board will consider enacting an ordinance to approve the below proposed final map, Draft 4, and sequence of elections, and authorize other actions to implement the new District by-division election system. All interested parties are invited to attend this public hearing to provide their input or to submit information on the proposed final division map. The public hearing may be continued from time to time upon a publicly announced determination by the Board during an open hearing.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Linda County Water District has amended its schedule of public hearings pursuant to Elections Code section 10010 to receive public comments and input regarding the adoption of a map to establish the voting divisions for electing the District’s five Directors as originally announced in the public notice published on June 27, 2023. The amended schedule of hearings is:
- The hearing on August 14, 2023, originally scheduled as the fourth and final public hearing at which the Board of Directors originally intended to enact an ordinance selecting a map of the final voting division boundaries and setting a sequence of electing Directors from the five voting divisions, has been cancelled and is replaced with a continuation of Hearing No. 3 commenced at the July 10, 2023 board meeting.
- The fourth and final hearing at which the ordinance adopting the final division map and election sequence will be considered is rescheduled to Monday, September 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
The continued third public hearing and fourth and final hearing will be held at the District Office, 1280 Scales Avenue, Marysville, California, as stated on the August 14, 2023 and September 11, 2023 agendas posted at the District office and website the Friday before each board meeting.
The four maps of the proposed voting divisions were previously published and are posted on the District’s website (see below). The Board will further discuss and consider selecting a final map from the four draft maps at the August 14, 2023 continued hearing.
At the final hearing on September 11, 2023, the Board will consider enacting an ordinance to approve the proposed final map and sequence of elections, and authorize other actions to implement the new District by-division election system. All interested parties are invited to attend this public hearing to provide their input or to submit information on the proposed final division map. The public hearing may be continued from time to time upon a publicly announced determination by the Board during an open hearing.
Staff reports, the proposed final map, proposed ordinance, and other information are available for review at the District Office at the address above or online at Information about division elections, why the District is making this change, and the process is available on the District’s website at
All interested persons are invited to attend these public hearings to provide comments, or interested persons may send written comments to Melinda Thornsberry, District Secretary, at the Linda County Water District Office, 1280 Scales Avenue, Marysville, California 95901, or via email to: [email protected], no later than the close of each hearing.
The July 10th Public Hearing has been continued. All interested parties are invited to attend the continued public hearing of July 10th on August 14, 2023, and final public hearing September 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. held at the District Office, and provide comments on and to submit information regarding the proposed voting system change and division maps.
Drafts of the proposed five new divisions of Linda County Water District from which registered voters in each division will elect District Directors are available for review by clicking the above link.
The interactive review map allows one to search by address, zoom in and out on the maps, and to overlay the maps with each other or with a range of socioeconomic data.
Two-page PDF files for each map with the proposed election sequence and the demographic profile for the divisions of that map have been published on the District website. To view, please use the Districting information link located at top of website and click on the maps under Relevant Documents at bottom of page.
Drafts of the proposed five new divisions of Linda County Water District from which registerd voters in each division will elect District Directors are available for review by clicking the above link.
The interactive review map allows one to search by address, zoom in and out on the maps, and to overlay the maps with each other or with a range of socioeconomic data.
Two-page PDF files for each map with the proposed election sequence and the demographic profile of the divisions in that map are available below under Relevant Documents.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearings on July 10, and August 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. held at the District Office, and provide comments on and to submit information regarding the proposed voting system change and division maps.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Linda County Water District will hold public hearings on the following dates to receive public input on the Board of Directors’ proposal to change the District’s voting system from at-large to by-division voting and to adopt a map showing the five new divisions from which registered voters in each division will elect District Directors:
March 13, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
April 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
July 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
August 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Following the initial March 13, 2023 and April 10, 2023 public hearings, draft maps of the proposed five divisions from which the members of the Board of Directors would be elected will be published for public review and comment and consideration at the July 10, 2023 and August 14, 2023 hearings. Further hearing notices and proposed division maps will be published at least seven days before the July 10, 2023 and August 14, 2023 hearings. At the August 14, 2023 hearing, the Board intends to enact an ordinance adopting a final voting division map and ordering the change in the District’s voting system for members of the Board of Directors.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearings and provide comments on and to submit information regarding the proposed voting system change and division maps. If you have any questions, please contact the District Secretary at 1280 Scales Ave., Marysville or [email protected]
Information about District Elections, why the District is making this change and the process is available on the District website,
Intent to Transition from At-Large Elections to
By-Division Elections
The Linda County Water District is declaring to the public its intent to transition from at-large elections to by-division elections beginning with the November 2024 election pursuant to Elections Code section 10010.
The Directors of the Linda County Water District (“District”) are currently elected under and “at-large” voting system, in which each Board member may live anywhere within the District’s service area and are elected by all registered voters residing within the District.
The District is voluntarily changing its at-large election system for our governing bodies to by-division (also known as “by-district”) system in accordance with the California Voting Right Act (Elections Code sections 14025-14032; the “CVRA”) and the procedures set forth in California Elections Code section 10010.
A by-division election system is one by which each Director lives within a designated portion of the District’s service area and is elected only by registered voters who live within that division.
The District is encouraging public participation in this process.
The process will consist of:
- Drafting map(s) of the boundaries of the proposed voting divisions (5 divisions).
- Hold 2 public hearings to solicit public input regarding the proposed division boundaries.
- Publish potential sequence of the elections if Directors will be elected by their divisions at different times providing for staggered terms.
- Hold 2 additional public hearings to receive public input regarding the content of the draft map(s) and the proposed sequence of elections.
Formulario de Intención de Trancisión de Elecciones-Generales a
Elecciones por-División
El Distrito Linda County Water está declarando al público su intención de hacer la transición de las Elecciones Generales a Elecciones por-división empezando desde la elección de Noviembre 2024 de conformidad con el Código de Elecciones de la sección 10010.
Los Directores del Distrito Linda County Water (“Distrito”) actualmente son elegidos bajo un sistema de “votación-general”, en el cual cada miembro de la junta puede vivir en cualquier lugar dentro del área de servicio del Distrito y son elegidos por todos los votantes replanteados que residen dentro de el Distrito.
El Distrito esta voluntariamente cambiando su sistema de elección - general para nuestros cuerpos de gobierno a por -división (también conocido como “por-distrito”) sistema de acuerdo con la ley de Derecho al Voto de California (Sección de Código de Elecciones 14025-14032; la “CVRA”) y los procedimientos establecidos en la sección del Código Electoral de California 10010.
Un sistema de elecciones por-división es por el cual cada Director vive de acuerdo con una porción designada del área de servicio del Distrito y es elegida por los votantes registrados que viven dentro de esta división.
El Distrito anima a los ciudadanos a participar en este proceso.
El proceso consiste en:
- Elaboración de mapa (s) de los limites de las divisiones electorales propuestas (5 divisiones).
- Celebrar 2 audiencias públicas para solicitar la opinión del público sobre los límites de la división propuesta.
- Publicar la secuencia potencial de las elecciones si los Directores serán elegidos por sus divisiones en diferentes momentos proporcionando mandatos escalonados.
- Celebrar 2 audiencias públicas adicionales para recibir las aportaciones del publico sobre el contenido del proyecto del mapa(s) y la secuencia de elecciones propuesta.